Reasons to update your resume could fill a novel the size of War and Peace. Whether you’re actively looking for a new position or firmly planted in the greatest job of your life, you stand to gain from updating your online resume.
10 Reasons to Update Your Online Resume
1. Reset your career compass by going through the process of updating your resume for the job you want next
2. Never miss out on dream jobs offered by companies searching job databases and the web for new hires
3. Easily start your job search if there’s a change in the job market
4. Reflect your career path or present accomplishments
5. You’ve moved and your resume shows an old address or contact info
6. Show relevant computer skills – your resume still shows you’re fluent in Office 95, but it’s now 2008.
7. Be ready to apply for that hot job you saw listed. (
8. Avoid a frantic massive resume overhaul by making small changes over time
9. Stop a vicious cycle of sending out a poor resume and not seeing any good results
10. Appear at the top of resume databases on job search sites – some sites give recruiters a list of matching candidates based on the date of the last resume update.
Related to Updating Your Online Resume
• Self-promotion: How to Move up the Ladder at Work with a Personal Publicity Campaign
• Job search database tips
• Online resumes