With today’s technology, companies of all sizes can take advantage of video to showcase the unique culture within their organization.
Be real, be honest, and focus on presenting your company in an authentic way to potential applicants.
Read MoreWith today’s technology, companies of all sizes can take advantage of video to showcase the unique culture within their organization.
Be real, be honest, and focus on presenting your company in an authentic way to potential applicants.
Read MoreYou started your business, took the risk, invested your cash and now you are married to the job you created. If this sounds familiar you are not alone.
Read MoreDid you know that the average job search takes six months? However, good strategies that include a targeted position, networking, a great resume and cover letter, and an effective short pitch will shorten the job hunt timeline.
Innovative ideas used wisely can further accelerate the job hunt.
Read MoreAsk almost any executive and theyll tell you that learning from others and developing mentors has been a key component of their own success. BCJobs.ca is therefore happy to bring to you the first of our 60 Seconds With series, highlighting some of the successful business persons from right here in the Lower Mainland. The first in our series is Roger Hardy, Founder and CEO of Clearly Contacts.
Read MoreThere was recently an article in the Ivey Business Journal and actually found myself getting quite excited by the content of the article.
What excited me about the article was in part that it spoke to Canadian statistics; but mostly that it confirmed a belief that I have held thorough most of my working life with respect to the importance of employee engagement.
Read Moreear after year popular media finds yet another story of a recent grad who months (or even years) post-grad continues working in a job with part-time hours, little responsibility or opportunity, and even less pay. These young adults, faced with paying back student loans, feel stuck in a job that requires little (if any) of their hard-earned knowledge, and after a few years of this kind of work, rather than a job that is specific to their studies they remain stuck.
Read MoreWhen I was terminated my self-confidence plummeted. Even though the reason for dismissal was unrelated to performance, nonetheless, as is typical, I felt shame and then anger, was hesitant to launch a job search, and didnt know where to turn for assistance.
Read MoreBullying is not anything that is new to the workplace. It sometimes starts in our schoolyards and in many cases, just continues in the workplace.
The question is and its a good one what exactly is bullying?
I think the most difficult transition for anybody from being a worker bee to a manager is the issue of delegation. In The Corner Office Adam Bryant quotes Tachi Yamada, the president of the Bill and Linda Gates Foundations Global Health Program. Mr. Yamada alludes to micromanagement as his nemesis. He wonders, What to give up? How can you have the team do what you would do yourself without doing it?
Read MoreEven with the best of intentions, we can make errors in workplace investigations that are very costly not only in directly visible ways, but also through indirect costs such as organizational reputation, employee morale and of course, turnover.
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