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BCjobs Blog

Job Search Advice

December 7th, 2011

Do I Have to Answer That Question??

Okay, I promise the next job interview you go to will most definitely NOT be like that! But we all know job interviews are nerve racking and the best way to minimize those nervous symptoms of sweaty palms, dry mouth, and of course, the worst of all – going blank, is to prepare as much as possible. Part of the preparation includes going over possible interview questions the interviewers may ask you, writing out responses, not memorizing them, but practicing, and if possible, even doing a mock interview. It’s also important to keep in mind that knowing what questions should not be asked in an interview is just important as knowing what questions may be asked. At times job seekers aren’t aware of the fact that there are inappropriate and illegal questions. Therefore it is important to know what these types of questions are and how to respond to these questions in a manner that wouldn’t hinder your chances of getting the job.

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November 23rd, 2011

How To Customize Your Primary Professional Branding Tool: Your Resume

How To Customize Your Primary Professional Branding Tool: Your Resume

Your resume is the primary branding tool to introduce and position yourself to the professional world. It is, quite simply, the most financially important document you will ever own: when your resume works you work, when it doesn’t you don’t. Properly executed, a carefully branded resume insures that prospective employers and colleagues see you, as you want to be seen. Short-change the effort you put into your resume and you cheat employment and future success.

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November 9th, 2011

Stay Sane While on the Job-Hunt

Stay Sane While on the Job-Hunt

So you’ve been unemployed for a while now, and you’re tearing your hair out with boredom and frustration.
Read our tips on how to stay sane and motivated while looking for that dream job:

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November 2nd, 2011

How to Build Trust with Your Resume

How to Build Trust with Your Resume

Most job-seekers like to list skills on their resume. In fact, most experts suggest listing skills on your resume. The problem with simply including a skill set is that the reader has no reason to believe you. You could say that you’re an expert in hiring, training, sales management, payroll control, visual presentation, and loss prevention, but that doesn’t mean the reader will trust you just because you say it. That’s why it’s important to back up those statements with proof in the way of accomplishments.

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October 26th, 2011

10 Steps To a Smooth Start in a New Job

10 Steps To a Smooth Start in a New Job

It’s scary starting a new job. For some, the first day is preceded by a pitiful night’s sleep leaving the
apprehensive newbie groggy rather than laser-focused. And then there are those who leap in in a blaze of
glory to prove themselves worthy … and step on toes along the way, which leads to the need for damage
control! Is there a better way to start a new job?

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October 20th, 2011

Does Your Resume Sell Your Key Skills?

Does Your Resume Sell Your Key Skills?

Does your resume or online profile tell the world all about you? Does it sell your skills? Are you using key words that help it stand out in a search? Have you defined your brand? If not, now is the time to do it.
I put my website into a tool called Wordle, which creates word pictures based on key words.

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October 5th, 2011

Staying Motivated Even During the Downtime

Staying Motivated Even During the Downtime

How do you handle rejection in the job search? Do you need some down-time so that you can recoup your energy in order to refocus your job hunt? Staying motivated to push past the WALL of rejection is hard, but as long distance runners know, a lot of the motivation is mind over matter.

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September 27th, 2011

Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan

Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan

Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan. Underwhelming for some, unnecessary hyperbole for others, but what does it really mean for the BC economy and job creation? Will it be enough to protect the province from the downward slope plaguing our southern neighbours or the Eurozone crisis and rumours of another recession?
Last week Christy Clark toured the province sharing her plans for job creation as BC looks to cope with and even possibly grow in today’s economic environment. She has been criticized for proposing mild measures, some would say incapable of firmly steering the province in the right direction as well as missing some sectors and regions. Clark has labeled BC a ‘safe port in an unsettled economic storm’, but what does this really mean? Let’s look at the key areas of the Plan.

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September 21st, 2011

Resume Language

Resume Language

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”- Philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein

So very true. Isn’t it remarkable how so few words capture so much meaning?
As is my way, I can absolutely relate this quote to career management. How (the question begs to be asked) is the language of your resume working for you?
If you’ve saturated your resume with “provided, assisted, or even managed,” might I suggest that you have some work to do?

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September 14th, 2011

Be Interview Savvy: How to Ask Critical Interview Questions

Be Interview Savvy: How to Ask Critical Interview Questions

You just landed an interview. You’re excited. You’re nervous. And, your head is full of questions about how to come across as the perfect candidate: What should I wear? What should I say? What are the frequently asked interview questions are they may throw at me?
Most of these first questions revolve around marketing yourself to the company and answering the question, “What does an employer expect in an interview?” But, hang on a second. Take a moment and remember, it’s also important to use the interview process to answer the most important question of all: Is this the job I want?

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