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BCjobs Blog


Posts by BCjobs.caTeam:

October 27th, 2010

Generation F in the Workplace

Generation F in the Workplace

It is undeniable that the culture of BC is shifting quickly along with the pace of technology. A few years ago very few people knew of Facebook and now it is hard to find someone who is not on it. Generation F- the Facebook generation, refers to those of us who have grown up “online”. This is a generation who is highly capable of retrieving information on the net.

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October 27th, 2010

The Pitfalls of Lying on Your Resume

The Pitfalls of Lying on Your Resume

Helen Perruzza, receives tons of resumes from hopeful job applicants everyday. She is a senior personnel consultant with First Choice Personnel, an employment agency in Toronto. Early in spring 2000, a young woman sublimated a resume for a Customer Service position with one of First Choice’s clients. Her resume was outstanding and paralleled the job position. Perruzza invited her in for an interview. Her performance in the interview was very satisfactory and she was introduced to the client, who was also impressed by her. A background check was performed and alas, the diploma she claimed she had received from college never existed. So no job offer!

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October 27th, 2010

How to Ruin Your Brand at the Press of a Send Button

How to Ruin Your Brand at the Press of a Send Button

Grandma knew the importance of brand management. In Grandma’s days, children were not allowed out of the house with holes in their underwear for fear of the proverbial ambulance ride. Housewives cleaned thoroughly under their beds and chesterfields lest dust bunnies be discovered and whispered about.

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October 21st, 2010

How Social Media Can Cost Your Your Job

How Social Media Can Cost Your Your Job

Seasonal jobs are good for more than earning extra spending money or awesome discounts at retailers for holiday
shopping (though, let’s face it – who could resist based on that alone?). In fact, taking on a seasonal job can
be a great stepping stone on the way to beginning or getting back into a career.

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October 21st, 2010

Benefits of a Seasonal Job

Benefits of a Seasonal Job

Seasonal jobs are good for more than earning extra spending money or awesome discounts at retailers for holiday
shopping (though, let’s face it – who could resist based on that alone?). In fact, taking on a seasonal job can
be a great stepping stone on the way to beginning or getting back into a career.

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October 7th, 2010

7 Ways to Measure Social Recruiting ROI

Jessica Lee, corporate recruiter, discusses the ins and outs of social recruiting — using social networking sites to identify and recruit potential hires. She examines how to create a strategy, establish goals and define measurement tools and success, while ultimately looking to increase job applications and improve brand awareness.

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October 5th, 2010

Five Statistics That Matter for Your Job Search

Five Statistics That Matter for Your Job Search

Each year for the past nine years CareerXroads has conducted a survey about the sources of new hires. The most recent survey (full report available here) solicited source of hire stats for 43 large companies, who collectively filled 176,000 positions in 2009. While the sample size is small, and arguments can and have been made about the accuracy and applicability of the statistics, the survey results are nevertheless revealing, and have some important implications for how jobseekers invest their job hunt energy.

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September 23rd, 2010

Twitter’s Hiring Strategies

Twitter's Hiring Strategies

Last week, SourceCon ran the first part of an article series on Twitter’s Hiring Strategies, outlining some of the significant new hires Twitter has made this year. I also showed you the video that Twitter put out to help its recruiting efforts. I was able to grab about 30 minutes with Twitter’s director of recruiting, Oliver Ryan, and talk to him about some of the recruiting and hiring practices that Twitter has in place for its internal efforts. While Twitter has talked with several tech media publishers about their recruiting video, this is the first time it has talked about their recruiting practices directly with the HR, recruiting, and sourcing community.

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August 24th, 2010

Just How Many Jobs Are You Missing Out On?

Just How Many Jobs Are You Missing Out On?

I recently nagged a client to get her LinkedIn profile fully up and running. She emailed me the other day to say that she got an email from a recruiter within 2 days of doing it. A new survey explains why.

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July 28th, 2010

Your Job Search Elevator Pitch – Communicate Your Value in these 7 Easy Steps

Your Job Search Elevator Pitch - Communicate Your Value in these 7 Easy Steps

Imagine you’ve walked into a networking event only to meet a potential employer you’ve been dying to snag an interview with. This is your chance. You need to make a good impression, and quickly. But you’re not sure what to say.

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