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What Employers Are Looking For: Employee Behavior Trends in 2024


Hey there, future office MVP! Whether you’re stepping into the workforce for the first time or leveling up your career game, 2024 has some unique trends you need to know about. Employers today aren’t just skimming your resume for technical skills anymore; they’re digging deeper, looking for behaviors that fit the new work reality.

The job market has evolved dramatically post-pandemic, emphasizing not just what you can do, but how you do it. The rise of remote work, digital transformation, and an increased focus on mental health and well-being have reshaped what employers are looking for in their ideal candidates.

So, what exactly are they after? Let’s break it down.

7 Behavior Trends Employers Are Looking For

1. Trust and Transparency

Trust is like the Wi-Fi signal in the office—essential, but often overlooked until it’s gone. In our digitally transformed workplaces, employers are looking for people who are reliable and transparent. Think of being the trusted colleague everyone turns to, where your honesty and integrity become the foundation of a strong, cohesive team. In a world full of data breaches, being a trustworthy employee is like having a superpower.

Trust and transparency also play a critical role in remote work settings. Employers want to ensure that their employees can work independently and manage their tasks without constant supervision. Being transparent about your workload, deadlines, and any challenges you face builds trust within the team and ensures smooth collaboration. According to a study by Gartner, companies that foster a high-trust environment see increased productivity and employee engagement.

Keep your team informed with regular updates on your progress and any obstacles you encounter. This practice not only builds trust but also fosters a collaborative work environment.

2. Mental Health Awareness

Gone are the days when mental health was a taboo topic. In 2024, companies are actively seeking employees who prioritize their mental well-being and contribute to a supportive workplace culture. Employers are looking for team members who promote a supportive environment, know when to take a break, and understand the importance of mental health days.

Employers now recognize that a mentally healthy workforce is more productive and engaged. They are increasingly offering mental health resources such as counseling services, mental health days, and wellness programs. As an employee, showing that you value mental health by participating in these programs or advocating for a balanced work-life approach can make you stand out. A report from the World Health Organization highlights that promoting mental health in the workplace can lead to a 4% increase in productivity.

Take advantage of any mental health resources your company offers and encourage your colleagues to do the same. A healthy mind contributes to a more productive and positive work environment.

3. Adaptability and Continuous Learning

The job market is constantly evolving, and the ability to adapt quickly is crucial. Embrace lifelong learning with platforms like Coursera and LinkedIn Learning to keep your skills sharp. Flexibility isn’t just about yoga; it’s about thriving in changing environments and mastering new challenges.

Adaptability also means being open to feedback and willing to change your approach when necessary. Employers value employees who can pivot quickly in response to new information or unexpected changes. In the fast-paced work environments of today, being adaptable can make the difference between success and stagnation. The Harvard Business Review emphasizes that adaptable employees are 21% more likely to be high performers.

Regularly update your skills by taking online courses or attending workshops. This not only keeps you adaptable but also shows your commitment to personal and professional growth.

4. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is like the secret sauce that makes everything better. High EQ helps you manage your emotions, understand your colleagues, and build strong relationships. Imagine using your emotional powers to connect with your team and solve conflicts effectively. Employers love employees who can navigate the complexities of human interactions smoothly.

High EQ is particularly important in leadership roles. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can inspire their teams, handle stress more effectively, and create a positive work environment. Whether you’re leading a project or just working within a team, your ability to empathize and communicate effectively can set you apart. According to TalentSmart, 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence.

Practice active listening and show empathy in your interactions. This can enhance your relationships at work and improve team dynamics.

5. Digital Literacy and Tech Savviness

Being tech-savvy is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. Employers expect you to be comfortable with digital tools and platforms. Think of yourself as the tech guru of your office, using your skills to solve problems and keep everything running smoothly. From mastering collaboration tools like Slack and Zoom to understanding basic cybersecurity, your digital literacy is crucial.

In today’s digital age, being proficient with technology can significantly boost your productivity. Employers are looking for candidates who can leverage technology to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Continuous learning in this area can keep you ahead of the curve and make you indispensable. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that digital transformation investments will reach $2.3 trillion by 2023, highlighting the growing importance of digital skills.

Stay updated with the latest tech trends and tools relevant to your industry. This will help you remain competitive and efficient in your role.

6. Innovation and Creative Problem-Solving

Innovation is the name of the game. Employers seek employees who can think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. Whether it’s brainstorming new marketing strategies or improving workflow efficiency, your creativity is a valuable asset.

Innovation isn’t just about grand ideas; it’s also about small, everyday improvements that can lead to significant results over time. Showing that you can contribute innovative solutions, no matter how small, demonstrates your proactive attitude and problem-solving skills. A McKinsey report found that companies with a strong innovation culture are twice as likely to have above-average financial performance.

Keep a journal of your creative ideas and solutions. Reviewing these regularly can spark new innovations and demonstrate your proactive approach to problem-solving.

7. Leadership and Initiative

Leadership isn’t just for those with a manager title. Companies value employees who take initiative and lead projects or teams, regardless of their position. Picture yourself as someone who steps up, takes charge, and inspires others, even when the going gets tough. Leadership in 2024 is about guiding your team through change and fostering a collaborative environment.

Even if you’re not in a formal leadership position, you can demonstrate leadership qualities by being proactive, offering to take on additional responsibilities, and mentoring newer team members. Initiative and leadership are highly prized as they show your commitment to the organization’s success. According to a Deloitte survey, companies with effective leadership are 1.7 times more likely to perform well.

Volunteer for leadership roles in projects or committees. This not only builds your leadership skills but also shows your initiative and willingness to contribute to the team’s success.


So, there you have it—the key employee behaviors that are making waves in 2024. It’s not just about what you do but how you do it. Whether it’s showing adaptability, maintaining mental health, or leading with integrity, these traits can set you apart in today’s job market. Ready to level up your career game? Show your future employer you’re the total package—tech-savvy, emotionally intelligent, and ready to innovate.

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About the Author is designed with the future of work in mind. Our platform connects job seekers with opportunities that fit their skills and preferences, whether that be remote work, gig jobs, or positions requiring advanced tech skills. Our goal is to ensure you are equipped to navigate the future of work confidently.

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